If you need the coverage of dentures but the security of a dental implant, all-on-4 dentures can be a way to get the best of both worlds. With just minimal dental implant surgery, you should be able to completely replace all the teeth on an upper or lower arch.
However, as with any kind of oral surgery, you may want to change what it is you eat for a few days after getting the dental implants. Here’s what you can expect that to look like, along with some other ways to make dental implant aftercare a little bit more comfortable.
Immediately After Surgery
For the first few weeks after the initial surgery, it’s typically recommended that you confine yourself to something like a liquid diet. Your jaw and gums are likely to be sore, which can make any kind of chewing pretty uncomfortable for you.
For the first 48 hours, you may want to confine yourself to just cold liquids that won’t irritate or inflame your gums. While a liquid diet can be a little bit difficult at first, you should make an effort to get as much nutrition as possible—your body will need it if you want to heal quickly. You should also make it a point to stay hydrated.
Finally, you should avoid using a straw to drink. Straws can potentially pull the emerging clots out of place, which can significantly delay the healing process.
After a Few Weeks
Typically, the most significant swelling will go down after the first two weeks. You’ll be able to ease out of a liquid diet, but your bite force still may not be as strong as you’d like. For that reason, it’s usually a good idea to move to a soft food diet for the first 3 months.
Unlike a liquid diet, solid foods are just fine. You really just need to avoid anything excessively hard or chewy that may require a fair amount of chewing. Anything mashed, baked, or some mushier fruits can all be excellent for anyone who is in the process of healing.
Changing what you eat isn’t the easiest thing to do, but the more seriously you take aftercare, the faster you’ll be able to heal.
About Our Practice
At Advanced Dental Treatment Center, we want the oral healthcare we provide to be the best that it possibly can in every way. That means not only offering our patients exceptional oral healthcare but also making every part of the dental process comfortable and convenient. Everyone on our team wants to help you get what you need to make sure you have a perfectly healthy smile.
If you have any questions about implant dentures, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (414) 209-7465.