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What Can I Expect During an Emergency Dental Visit?

April 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 3:56 pm
Man experiencing extreme mouth pain.

Dental emergencies can happen any time, any place, and usually when you least expect it. And when they do happen, they often require an emergency dental visit; but whether it’s a fractured or displaced tooth, a problems with your gums, or anything else causing you pain or discomfort, it’s nothing that your dentist can’t handle! If you find yourself dealing with a dental emergency, contact your dentist immediately—here’s what you can expect during the treatment process.

Same-Day Appointment

Assuming you’ve contacted your dentist without delay, they will usually be able to see you on that very same day. Emergency dentists typically leave time in their schedules for treating patients with dental emergencies. Something serious like a displaced tooth will need to be dealt with quickly, but something less painful and minor like a chipped tooth can sometimes wait a day or two. If this is the case, your dentist will advise you on how to treat any pain or other issues until your appointment.

Detailed Oral Examination

Emergency dental exams are different than your average routine exam. When you visit the dentist for a regular checkup, they will inspect and assess the overall health of your mouth. But during an emergency examination, your dentist will only focus on the source of the emergency, as they must act quickly to identify the source of the problem and determine the best course of action.

Sometimes you or your dentist will immediately know the reason for the issue, but other times your dentist will have to carefully investigate. They can also take x-rays of your mouth to determine the problem more accurately, and to also look for signs of infection of inflammation.

Possibility of Sedation or Anesthetics

Some dental emergencies are incredibly painful or cause extreme sensitivity, and your dentist might have to use sedation or anesthetics during treatment. Even if your situation isn’t painful, certain types of treatment require a local anesthetic or mild sedation anyway—one common method used is nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas for the feelings of warmth and euphoria it creates. Additionally, sedation can help to ease the anxiety that some patients feel during a dental visit or emergency.

Pain-Relief and A Restored Smile

Dental emergencies directly affect your smile, and they can compromise its look, feel, and functionality—while being painful! That’s why seeking treatment from your dentist promptly is crucial. As soon as you sit down in the chair, your comfort is your dentist’s top priority and they’ll be able to provide you with both pain relief and a restored smile.

Dental emergencies aren’t fun—they are usually frightening and occur out of nowhere! But by knowing what to expect when you show up to the dentist’s office, you’ll feel much better about seeking treatment. Your dentist is the best person for the job and your smile is in good hands.

About the Practice

Advanced Dental Treatment Center has served patients and families in the Greenfield area for several years. They are led by the awesome team of Dr. William Carini and Dr. Amer Shah, and they offer a wide variety of services including preventive, restorative, cosmetic, sedation and emergency dentistry! If you or a loved one is suffering from a dental emergency or if you have any questions about the article, feel free to reach out through the practice’s website or by phone: (414) 209-7463.