You can take every safety precaution in the book and an accident may still occur – that’s just life! Although not all dental emergencies are avoidable, there are several steps you can take to prevent them. And if you could avoid experiencing one, wouldn’t you be willing to do whatever it takes? Lucky for you, a dentist in Greenfield has compiled a list of ways you can protect your smile. Continue reading to learn how you can keep your pearly whites healthy and intact.
Monitor Your Teeth and Gums
It’s vital to watch out for any persistent dental pain or changes in your teeth, gums, or mouth tissues. A toothache (or any mouth pain for that matter) is something you should absolutely never ignore. It’s not normal and often indicates that something is wrong, even if it’s just a mild ache that comes and goes. Therefore, you should see your dentist right away to diagnose and treat the underlying cause.
Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Everyone knows to brush their teeth twice a day and floss daily. However, some people still neglect to follow these general recommendations. These practices are crucial for preventing dental problems like tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and other issues. It’s a good idea to establish and stick to an oral hygiene routine that works with your schedule.
Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly
When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? If you can’t remember, it’s probably time to toss it out. According to dentist and manufacturer recommendations, you should be swapping out your toothbrush every two to three months – sooner if the bristles become worn-down or splayed. Otherwise, your toothbrush will not clean your teeth as effectively, leaving them susceptible to oral health problems.
Watch Your Sugar Intake
Most people know that sugar can wreak havoc on your teeth. Each time you eat a sweet treat, cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth feed on the particles, producing a harmful acid that attacks your enamel. As a result, it weakens your pearly whites and leaves them vulnerable to decay, cavities, and even gum disease. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to limit your sugar consumption and only indulge in moderation.
Protect Against Oral Injuries
Do you participate in sports or other physical activities? Make sure you wear a mouthguard every time you play. One blow to the face could easily result in broken or cracked teeth, fractured roots, and cut lips. In the worst case, it can even knock out your teeth. Luckily, you can protect against these injuries by wearing a custom-fitted mouthguard or helmet.
As you can see, there are many easy ways you can prevent a dental emergency. By following the tips outlined above, you can protect your smile and spare a trip to your emergency dentist in Greenfield!
About the Practice
At Advanced Dental Treatment Center, we provide comprehensive and high-quality dental services that are guaranteed to leave you smiling after every appointment. Our team will always go above and beyond to ensure you receive the dental care you deserve. If you’re currently facing a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to contact our office. We’ll get you in as soon as possible and provide you with prompt relief. Visit our website or call (414) 209-7463 to make an appointment.