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Advanced Dental Treatment Center Blog

Long Live the Crown! Here’s How Long Your Restoration Might Last

February 14, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 11:15 pm
Patient checking their dental crown in the mirror

Dental crowns are one of the most common—and most reliable—restorative dental treatments available. But once you’ve had one placed, it’s natural to wonder about how long it will last. If you’re curious about your dental crown and the factors that can affect its longevity, continue reading. You’ll learn about the average lifespan of a crown and what you can do to keep yours healthy and stable for as long as possible.


4 Signs That You Need to Replace Your Dental Crown Soon

January 16, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 2:09 pm
Illustration of a dental crown being placed on a tooth

Dental crowns are quite durable and can often last for many years with the right maintenance. That said, at some point, your dental crown will reach the end of its lifespan and need to be replaced. How will you be able to tell when that time comes? Below are 4 warning signs that can potentially indicate that you will need to get a new dental crown in the near future.


One, Two, or a Mouthful? How Many Dental Implants Do You Really Need?

January 10, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 5:08 pm
Patient being educated about dental implants

Dental implants are one of the best ways to restore missing teeth, offering unparalleled strength and support. But how many do you actually need? The answer depends on several factors that need to be explored and discussed with your dentist. Continue reading to learn what these variables are and better understand what’s right for your smile!


Dental Danger: Signs & Stages of Oral Cancer

December 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 6:32 pm
Nose down closeup of woman holding a picture of oral cancer in front of her mouth

Did you know that your dentist conducts an oral cancer screening as a standard part of your routine checkups? Although cancers of the mouth only comprise about 3% of all cancer cases in the United States, it’s incredibly dangerous. An estimated 54,000+ people are diagnosed nationwide each year, and of those, about 68% will survive the next five years.

Your chances of recovery increase significantly if the disease is caught quickly. Continue reading to learn more about the signs and stages of oral cancer so you know when to call the dentist!


Painless Prosthetics: Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt?

December 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 6:26 pm
Closeup of a tooth-colored dental crown on a fingertip

If you recently underwent a root canal or contacted your dentist to repair a decayed or damaged tooth, there’s a good chance they’ll want to provide a dental crown to fix it. These prosthetics can restore its appearance and functionality in circumstances that might otherwise require extraction and replacement, which comes with additional risks.

However, many patients hesitate to schedule this procedure because they’re worried it might hurt. Continue reading to learn more about what to expect from your dental crown appointment so you can see that there’s nothing to be afraid of!


Is This Blemish in My Mouth a Canker Sore or a Sign of Oral Cancer?

September 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 9:56 pm
Man has oral pain

The soft tissues within the mouth can become irritated for a variety of reasons such as friction from dentures, accidentally biting the lips or tongue, or oral infections, but many people get anxious that the sores in their mouths may be signs of oral cancer. While only a qualified doctor can diagnose this serious condition, you may be able to notice a few signs that you should bring your uncomfortable oral blemish to the attention of a medical or dental professional. Here’s a brief guide to how to tell if your oral irritation may indicate the presence of cancer.


Staying On-Point: Back-to-School Invisalign Tips for Your Teen

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 3:26 pm
Group of teens taking a selfie inside school

When you and your teenager are getting ready to go back to school, things probably start to get chaotic. Their schedule of leisure is coming to a close, your household is having to adjust to a different schedule, and you’re no doubt trying to prepare for those first couple of days. With all of that happening around you, how can you help your teen stay on-point for their Invisalign treatment? Keep reading for some tips!


From Metal to Modern: Reasons to Replace Your Old Dental Fillings

July 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:07 pm
Patient smiling in a mirror after replacing their dental fillings

The great thing about technology, especially when it comes to dentistry, is that there are always better methods being discovered. Over the years, it has come a long way, and one of the most significant advancements is the shift from metal fillings to more modern materials. If you still have metal fillings, you might wonder whether it’s worth replacing them. Continue reading to learn more about how replacing old dental fillings could improve your smile!


Dental Crown vs. Filling – Which Should You Get?

July 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 11:07 pm
Dental crowns

Tooth enamel is incredibly strong, but it isn’t completely indestructible. Fortunately, just because your teeth have been damaged by decay, an injury, or an accident doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to lose them. With modern dental techniques and technology, there are a variety of ways that teeth can be restored and protected. Two of the most common restorative options out there that dentists use today are dental fillings and dental crowns. However, they have some key differences. Read on to learn about each one so you know what you can expect.


Lost a Dental Filling? Here’s What to Do to Protect Your Tooth

June 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 3:27 pm
Patient smiling after getting a dental filling

Discovering that your dental filling has fallen out can be alarming, especially if it happens suddenly! Whether it’s during a meal or brushing your teeth, losing a filling can leave your tooth vulnerable to damage and discomfort. If you’ve found yourself in this position, continue reading to find a step-by-step guide to protect your tooth. This will help you cope until you can see your dentist.

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